Zandu Pure Honey


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Created for the best

We know you put in a lot of effort in managing your family’s health and with the same care and love, we collected the best and created the best honey for you. We believe you are the best to judge the purity of Zandu Pure Honey, which we bring to you.

Sourced from the best

We source Honey from the most indigenous beekeepers of the best of the regions like Himalayas, Muzaffarpur, Coorg & Sundarbans. The Honey collected, processed and packed with stringent international quality norms & standards to ensure purity & best quality of Honey.

Tested by the best

Honey collected by Bees from flowering plants like Orange, Litchi, Lemon, Eucalyptus & Mustard, contains Fructose & Glucose. Off late, due to advances in technology and increased knowledge in Honey adulteration, many processors in India have started adulterating honey with cane sugar from sugar cane, Rice syrup and HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). Cane sugar is the cheapest and unhealthy source of adulterant in Honey. In order to prevent this unethical practices happening in the trade, the Codex Alimentarius has introduced EA-IRMS test to detect sugar addition from Cane sugar in honey from sugarcane. However, this procedure has a limitations since, it does not detect the sugar adulterated from different sources such as High Fructose corn syrup, fruit sugars, wheat etc. So, a new method with LC-IRMS was introduced.

After few years of introduction of these tests, unethical processors have found a new way of adulterating honey with Rice Syrup. European Regulatory body has developed a unique method of testing adulteration of Rice Syrup by TMR. In such a complex situation, only way to provide consumer the best and the purest honey is to ensure the above tests are met. Zandu Pure Honey, is probably the only Indian Honey brand, which conducts all the above mentioned tests for every batch we produce.

Country of Origin
